Thursday, November 24, 2022

Canilizer Test

My BJ Craft Invitation is a solid performer. Updates and tweaks made recently have really improved small elements of its flight traits.  One aspect I would like to alter is rudder behavior. Like most, I gravitate to the latest designs and trends.  Widgets like canilizers, fences, fins, etc enhance fly performance for FAI competitors, these widgets can add challenges to lessor experienced pilots who fly in AMA classes in flight trimming, and learning rudder control.  With the current canilizer adding a bit too much rudder during rolling elements and or knife edge very easily sends the plane offline.

The invitation's canilizer wing is approx 2x the size of the one on the Two Epics I own.  In response to a recent FB post I made about wanting to try a smaller canilizer on the Invitation, A. Jesky mentioned he tried a smaller one on his Element which toned down rudder sensitivity which is what I'm after.  He also pointed me to the one available thru AJ Aircraft designed for the 2m Acuity.  Since they are $20 each I ordered two, one for the invitation and the other for the Epilogue if testing goes well with the Invitation.

Pics showing the size comparison, color change mounted ready to fly.  Now all I need is good flying weather.

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