Sunday, December 25, 2022

Canilizer Test Update

Logged approx. 3 dozen flights or so on the Invitation with the smaller Canilizer from AJ Aircraft. At first, I had to work thru a couple of unexpected trim/behavior changes.

  1. Removed down elevator mix with rudder, no longer needed
  2. Elevator control felt more linear so I decreased up/down elevator exponential
Reducing the Canilizer size on the Invitation was a good ☻decision.  I've been struggling with rudder application (too much or not enough) on 45 deg lines that have pt rolls with the BJ Designs I have i.e Epilogue, Initiation G2 not so much with the CA Models Epic +, and Evolution which have smaller Canilizers.  The smaller Canilizer is definitely helping with consistency with the Invitation. The plan is to outfit the Epilogue next with the smaller Canilizer.





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