Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Canalizer Test Update (Epilogue)

The second smaller Canalizer purchased from AJ Aircraft for the 2m Acuity was configured and fitted to the Epilogue. I’ve logged 9 flights since last Saturday and like the Invitation tests, I am very pleased with the results. Unlike the Invitation, the Epilogue had no mix for knife-edge, the smaller canalizer did not impact knife-edge other than requiring a bit more thruput to sustain level horizontal knife-edge flight. But like the Invitation, it did improve input controllability of point and half rolls on 45-degree lines as well as the reverse knife-edge maneuver. Like the Invitation, there is a noticeable change for the better in elevator control when pulling/pushing radii.

Following the canalizer test with the Invitation, I reached out to BJ for his thoughts and input. He confirmed my results that a smaller canalizer reduces the rudder's overall effectiveness. BJ also commented his goal is to produce a design to meet the global demands of the F3A F and unknown sequences where rudder authority is needed. My test proved to me for AMA as well as FAI P-Sequence the smaller canalizer tames the rudder authority down but is still more than capable of performing rollers that have crept into AMA Masters as well as FAI P-sequences.

Epilogue Before

Epilogue After

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